Map of HIV in the U.S. has disturbing trend…
July 26, 2016
Map of HIV in the U.S. has disturbing trend…
July 26, 2016
LHT: What is your favorite way to stay active?
Dr. Pounders: My favorite way to stay active is to practice yoga at Equinox or at home. When traveling, it doesn’t take any special equipment–just stretching, breathing, moving and meditating.
LHT: What led you to change your practice from internal medicine to general practice?
Dr. Pounders: I trained in Internal Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston where the HIV epidemic took most of my time. Now, 28 years later in practice and improved medications, the patients are acquiring the same medical problems of the rest of Americans: diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, cancer, and I am moving to a more personalized type of practice by affiliating with MDVIP.
LHT: We know your hobby is cars. If you could drive one vintage automobile for a day, which one would it be and where would you go?
Dr. Pounders: I drive my Rolls Royce Silver Spirit 2 to Black Tie Dinner every year. It was owned by Juanita and Henry Miller, who started Highland Park Village.
LHT: How did you first become involved with Legal Hospice of Texas? What inspired you to join as honorary chair for the fashion show this year?
Dr. Pounders: I attended the first Fashion Cited in Oak Cliff 11 years ago. I was asked to serve as the honorary chair this year, and I am happy to be a part of the organization that helps many HIV and terminally ill patients in the DFW area. Legal Hospice of Texas contributes to our community in a unique way just when needed most.
LHT: What is a staple/must have in the Dr. Pounders wardrobe?
Dr. Pounders: LuLu Lemmon Polos
Come and meet Dr. Steven Pounders at this year’s FashionCITED “Rhythm & Hues” show!